The RFP below describes a single year flexible funding opportunity available to distinct programs of 501(c)3 nonprofit agencies providing substantive services within our coverage area and following eligibility guidelines (page 2 of RFP). Programs must align with one of United Way’s program areas. Applicants must attend a mandatory informational session to be eligible to apply. This funding may be used for general operating support within the distinct program outlined in the application. Receiving funding from United Way does not imply continued support outside of the funding period.
Funding Period: July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
January 19 - The application will go live on on United Way’s e-CImpact page. Applicants must attend an informational session to access application.
February 28 - Applications are due. Applications must be submitted via United Way’s online grants portal, e-CImpact. Late applications will not be accepted.
Mandatory Info Sessions (RSVP Required):
Franklin County: John W. Oliver Transit Center - Allen Room, Greenfield, January 19 @ 2:00 pm
Hampshire County: Hadley Senior Center, Hadley, January 25 @ 10:00 am
Zoom: January 26 @ 10:00 am
Applicants will be asked to align with one of United Way’s program areas:
Economic Security Funds will target programs that ensure that individuals and communities have the ability and resources to meet their basic needs sustainably and with dignity.
Health & Safety Funds will target programs and initiatives that build lasting wellness and security while strengthening physical, social, and emotional wellbeing in our community.
Education & Youth Funds will target programs that nurture the healthy growth, development and general well-being of children, youth and families.
UWFH Values
Equity: We understand and acknowledge that we live in a world with systemic racism, economic disparities, and other forms of intersectional disadvantages. We are committed to addressing those inequities at the organizational and individual level.
Human Dignity: We treat all people respectfully and operate in ways that celebrate everyone’s humanity.
Collaboration: We work collaboratively with each other, our partners, and our communities to make the most of our combined resources.
Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable to high ethical, administrative, programmatic, and fiscal standards.
Curiosity & Learning: We strive to ask questions rather than make judgements. We are committed to learning from our successes and our mistakes.
Our region is diverse and addressing the most pressing needs can be complex. Our goal is to fund the most effective and efficient programs that address these needs, balancing crisis response, prevention and/or stabilization. We consider a diverse range of local programs. Specifically, we look at:
Agency and program stability: We review leadership, finances, rates of success, and potential.
Large and small organizations: We fund all sizes.
Supporting Hampshire County, Franklin County and/or the North Quabbin Region especially the most economically depressed areas (Please note that South Hadley and Granby are not part of the UWFH coverage area).
Multi-purpose agencies: Applications must be for distinct programs within agencies. Even though funding is flexible, it must be used within that program.
Supporting the most vulnerable and/or underserved members of our community.
We typically cap awards at $30,000. Programs must demonstrate a need for their funding request.
Typically, we will not fund above 30% of a program budget.
We encourage applications from multi-agency collaborations. To be considered, program activities must extend beyond routine cross-referrals and/or networking. Here are guidelines—demonstrate: One agency as the lead responsible for coordination, tracking results, reporting, and financial management. A plan, including meaningful and substantive joint programming with clear goals, metrics and measures of success.