In 2024 SKI UNITED raised $28,000 for our United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region in support of those most in need in our community!
Q. What do you get when you take the love of skiing, add a cause that benefits thousands in the community, and then bring charitable individuals together for a day of fun and fundraising?
A. Ski United
Over the past 15 years, we’ve created a tight knit community of Ski United supporters. The camaraderie and the cause bind us together. Last year, we raised over $28,000 for our local United Way, bringing our fifteen year total to almost $250,000.
The 15th annual Ski United event will be held on Thursday, February 6, 2024 at Berkshire East in Charlemont, MA, who has been a supporter of Ski United since the start.
We have a strong tradition and a sustained example of giving back, and our support is needed more than ever. Over 30% of our neighbors live in poverty or low income, and the need is growing with the pandemic. Our United Way supports 56 partner programs delivering services focused on basic needs in the areas of children, youth, and their families. United Way also operates a diaper bank, a literacy program, and provides donated items like school backpacks and supplies. The programs helped by United Way all say the same thing: they could not do their work without our United Way.
If your organization would like to join in our efforts and sponsor this event, click here for more details. Thank you for your support.
United We Ski,
‘25 Ski United Committee
SKI UNITED 2024 Committee Meeting (missing: Bert Adams, John Ebbets, Kelsey Samson, Sue Monahan, and Jeff Smith)
2024 SKI UNITED Committee: Bert Adams | Kim Baker | Stephanie Burbine | David Casey | Roger Cooney | John Ebbets | Sue Flynn | Bill Fontes | Sue Monahan | Kelsey Samson | Jeff Smith | Steve Prothers, Founder | Geoff Naunheim United Way Executive Director