Supporting our region, one change at a time!
The United Way Diaper Bank supplies about 20,000 free diapers and pull-ups every month to help keep Franklin and Hampshire County children healthy and families secure. Will you join us?
The UWFH Diaper Bank accepts donations year-round!
1. How can I give online?
Purchase most-needed sizes through our Amazon Wish List or give a monetary donation directly. A $25 donation allows the United Way Diaper Bank to purchase about 120 diapers or pull-ups (about two weeks worth) for children across Franklin and Hampshire Counties and the North Quabbin region.
2. How do I drop off packages of diapers?
We will accept new or opened, clean packages at our Greenfield and Northampton UWFH offices. We are always most in need of larger sizes (4 and up) and all pull-ups. Reach out to or call 413-584-3962 for the best time to stop by.
3. How can I give through the mail?
You may write a check out to UWFH with “Diaper Bank” on the memo line. Please send checks to PO Box 123, Northampton, MA 01061.
4. How can I spread the word and stay in touch?
Share this webpage with others and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to hear about upcoming diaper drives and events. Download our English and Spanish flyers, as well.
Some important facts to consider:
One in two American families with young children report experiencing diaper need. In June 2023, a study published by the National Diaper Bank Network found that 47% of families with young children could not afford enough diapers. In March 2022, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Vermont and the Greater Boston Food Bank found that 36% of Massachusetts families with young children could not afford enough diapers for their children. Diapers are a basic need for all young children and their families, yet some caregivers are not able to provide enough diapers to get through the day.
Diapers can cost as much as $100 per month, per child, and prices continue to rise. From 2018 to June 2022, according to NielsenIQ, the average cost of diapers increased by nearly 22%, further stretching the budgets of families facing poverty. Both Kimberly-Clark (Huggies) and Procter & Gamble (Pampers, Luvs) increased prices over the past several years due to product demand, supply-chain disruptions (caused by both the pandemic and extreme weather), and increased shipping costs.
SNAP and WIC cannot be used to buy diapers, even though they are a critical need for infants and toddlers. Many families are forced to decide between changing a diaper and paying for utilities, rent, clothing, and other important needs.
Most daycare and early education programs require families to provide disposable diapers for children to attend. Without enough clean diapers, children may lose out on valuable developmental programs and guardians miss work, about 5 days a month.
UWFH Diaper Bank in the news:
Franklin County Now, 6/21/24: “United Way diaper drive ending June 30”
WWLP, 6/20/24: ”Franklin/Hampshire United Way diaper drive underway”
Daily Hampshire Gazette, 6/20/24: “United Way diaper drive returns”
Greenfield Recorder, 6/20/24: “United Way diaper drive returns”
Where do UWFH Diaper Bank supplies go? These important community partners distribute them to local families:
Reach out to the organizations below if you’re in need of diapering supplies.
Franklin County:
Thank you to all who contributed to our 2024 Diaper Drive!
Over 35,800 diapers and pull-ups were collected during our June diaper drive, along with over 18,000 wipes and $19,300 in funding, all in support of our UWFH Diaper Bank! THANK YOU! 🥳
Generous donors, volunteers, organizations, and businesses made this drive a success by spreading the word, hosting collection sites, tabling at local stores, gathering and sorting donations, and making gifts. Thank you for helping children in the Franklin, Hampshire, and North Quabbin region stay healthy, happy, and in important early development programs! ❤️
Missed this year’s drive? You can give to the UWFH Diaper Bank year-round!

About the UWFH Diaper Bank:
The United Way Diaper Bank has strong roots in both Franklin and Hampshire counties. In Franklin County, the Diaper Bank began in 2014 as a collaborative effort between local volunteers and non-profit agencies. They responded to community diaper needs with a year-round initiative involving the collection, purchase, and distribution of diapers on a monthly basis to partner agency sites and was supported by drives, donations, and events. In 2018, the Diaper Bank fell under the umbrella of the United Way of Franklin County. In Hampshire County, similar efforts took form in 2015 as an annual countywide diaper drive that collected in-kind and cash donations to supply a year’s worth of diapers for distribution by the United Way of Hampshire County to partner agencies. In 2020, faced with increasing demand by local partners and a desire to improve efficiency, the United Way of Franklin County and United Way of Hampshire County merged their diaper programs together in order to better serve the two-county region. The merger of Franklin County and Hampshire County United Ways followed in July 2021.
Currently, the United Way Diaper Bank distributes diapers, pull-up training pants, and wipes to 14 partner agencies across the region. We were chosen to participate in the first federally-funded diaper distribution demonstration and research pilot, running through at least April 2026. We are active members of both the Franklin and Hampshire County Perinatal Support Coalitions, the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Roundtable, and the National Diaper Bank Network and its Massachusetts advocacy group.
For more information:
Contact Jenny Coeur, UWFH Program Director: or 413-584-3962 x102
The UWFH Diaper Bank is a member of the National Diaper Bank Network.
Thank you to the Daily Hampshire Gazette, the Greenfield Recorder, Greenfield Savings Bank, and Greenfield Cooperative Bank for their generous support of the UWFH Diaper Bank.