Your Subscription is Power. It is Support.

The Daily Hampshire Gazette is a pillar of our community, with a history is as rich as any in Pioneer Valley. It was established in 1786 with the news of Shays’ Rebellion. In 1929 Harriett DeRose became the publisher, one of the first woman newspaper publishers in the county. The Gazette consistently wins awards for news coverage. 

The Gazette has supported United Way of Hampshire County since our start in 1922. They donate. They volunteer. They give in-kind advertising. They lend their expertise. We consider the Gazette a sister organization. 

Like other publications, the Gazette has been impacted in the past years by changes in the news industry and by the recent economic fallout of COVID-19.

But you can help, and it couldn’t be easier:
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What do you get in return, besides a good feeling? You support local voices. You support local jobs. You support the local economy, including your own business. And you get nothing less than quality reporting at a time when it has never been more vital to our democracy.

Your subscription is a powerful thing.